Here is a list of all documented files with brief descriptions:
[detail level 123456]
▼ Karma | |
▼ src | |
▼ Karma | |
► Animation | |
Animation.h | |
Animator.h | |
RiggedAnimation.h | |
► Core | |
► TrueCore | |
GenericPlatformMemory.h | |
KarmaMemory.h | |
KarmaSmriti.h | |
Class.h | |
Field.h | |
GFrameworkMacros.h | |
KarmaTypes.h | |
Object.h | This file contains the class UObject along with helper functions |
Package.h | |
SubClassOf.h | |
UObjectAllocator.h | |
UObjectBase.h | |
UObjectGlobals.h | |
UObjectIterator.h | |
► Engine | |
Engine.h | |
GameInstance.h | |
GameViewportClient.h | |
► Events | |
ApplicationEvent.h | |
ControllerDeviceEvent.h | |
Event.h | |
KeyEvent.h | |
MouseEvent.h | |
► GameFramework | |
Actor.h | |
ActorComponent.h | |
ActorIterator.h | |
ChildActorComponent.h | |
Level.h | |
Pawn.h | |
PrimitiveComponent.h | |
SceneComponent.h | |
World.h | |
WorldSettings.h | |
► Ganit | |
KarmaMath.h | |
Transform.h | |
► KarmaGui | |
imgui_impl_glfw.h | |
imstb_rectpack.h | |
imstb_truetype.h | |
KarmaGui.h | |
KarmaGuiInternal.h | |
KarmaGuiLayer.h | |
KarmaGuiRenderer.h | |
KarmaSTBTextEdit.h | |
Roboto-Regular.h | |
► Renderer | |
► Camera | |
Camera.h | |
OrthographicCamera.h | |
PerspectiveCamera.h | |
Buffer.h | |
GraphicsContext.h | |
Material.h | |
Mesh.h | |
RenderCommand.h | |
Renderer.h | |
RendererAPI.h | |
Scene.h | |
SceneModel.h | |
Shader.h | |
SkeletalMesh.h | |
Texture.h | |
VertexArray.h | |
Application.h | |
Core.h | |
EntryPoint.h | |
Input.h | |
KarmaUtilities.h | |
Layer.h | |
LayerStack.h | |
Log.h | |
Window.h | |
▼ Platform | |
► Linux | |
► Core | |
LinuxPlatformMemory.h | |
LinuxInput.h | |
LinuxWindow.h | |
► Mac | |
► Core | |
MacPlatformMemory.h | |
MacInput.h | |
MacWindow.h | |
► OpenGL | |
KarmaGuiOpenGLHandler.h | |
OpenGLBuffer.h | |
OpenGLContext.h | |
OpenGLRendererAPI.h | |
OpenGLShader.h | |
OpenGLVertexArray.h | |
► Vulkan | |
KarmaGuiVulkanHandler.h | |
VulkanBuffer.h | |
VulkanContext.h | |
VulkanHolder.h | |
VulkanRendererAPI.h | |
VulkanShader.h | |
VulkanTexutre.h | |
VulkanVertexArray.h | |
► Windows | |
► Core | |
WindowsPlatformMemory.h | |
WindowsInput.h | |
WindowsWindow.h | |
Karma.h | |
krpch.h | |
▼ Pranjal | |
▼ Source | |
▼ Public | |
EditorLayer.h | |
KarmaGuiMesa.h | |