KGTextureID | GetTextureIDAtIndex (uint32_t index) |
uint32_t | GetTextureWidthAtIndex (uint32_t index) |
uint32_t | GetTextureHeightAtIndex (uint32_t index) |
GLuint | GlVersion |
char | GlslVersionString [32] |
GLuint | FontTexture |
std::vector< MesaDecalData > | openglMesaDecalDataList |
GLuint | ShaderHandle |
GLint | AttribLocationTex |
GLint | AttribLocationProjMtx |
GLuint | AttribLocationVtxPos |
GLuint | AttribLocationVtxUV |
GLuint | AttribLocationVtxColor |
unsigned int | VboHandle |
unsigned int | ElementsHandle |
GLsizeiptr | VertexBufferSize |
GLsizeiptr | IndexBufferSize |
bool | HasClipOrigin |
bool | UseBufferSubData |
KarmaGui_ImplVulkan_InitInfo | VulkanInitInfo |
VkRenderPass | RenderPass |
VkDeviceSize | BufferMemoryAlignment |
VkPipelineCreateFlags | PipelineCreateFlags |
VkDescriptorSetLayout | DescriptorSetLayout |
VkPipelineLayout | PipelineLayout |
VkPipeline | Pipeline |
uint32_t | Subpass |
VkShaderModule | ShaderModuleVert |
VkShaderModule | ShaderModuleFrag |
VkSampler | FontSampler |
VkDeviceMemory | FontMemory |
VkImage | FontImage |
VkImageView | FontView |
VkDescriptorSet | FontDescriptorSet |
VkDeviceMemory | UploadBufferMemory |
VkBuffer | UploadBuffer |
std::vector< KarmaGui_ImplVulkan_Image_TextureData * > | vulkanMesaDecalDataList |
KarmaGui_ImplVulkanH_WindowRenderBuffers | MainWindowRenderBuffers |
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