| VulkanImageBuffer (const char *filename) |
void | CreateBuffer (VkDeviceSize size, VkBufferUsageFlags usage, VkMemoryPropertyFlags properties, VkBuffer &buffer, VkDeviceMemory &bufferMemory) |
uint32_t | FindMemoryType (uint32_t typeFilter, VkMemoryPropertyFlags properties) |
const VkBuffer & | GetBuffer () const |
int | GetTextureWidth () const |
int | GetTextureHeight () const |
int | GetTextureChannels () const |
uint32_t | GetBindingPointIndex () const |
static ImageBuffer * | Create (const char *filename) |
uint32_t | m_BindingPoint |
The documentation for this class was generated from the following files:
- Karma/src/Platform/Vulkan/VulkanBuffer.h
- Karma/src/Platform/Vulkan/VulkanBuffer.cpp