Karma Engine
No Matches
Karma::KarmaGui Class Reference

Static Public Member Functions

static KarmaGuiContextCreateContext (KGFontAtlas *shared_font_atlas=NULL)
static void DestroyContext (KarmaGuiContext *ctx=NULL)
static KarmaGuiContextGetCurrentContext ()
static void SetCurrentContext (KarmaGuiContext *ctx)
static KarmaGuiIOGetIO ()
static KarmaGuiStyleGetStyle ()
static void NewFrame ()
static void EndFrame ()
static void Render ()
static KGDrawDataGetDrawData ()
static void ShowDemoWindow (bool *p_open=NULL)
static void ShowMetricsWindow (bool *p_open=NULL)
static void ShowDebugLogWindow (bool *p_open=NULL)
static void ShowStackToolWindow (bool *p_open=NULL)
static void ShowAboutWindow (bool *p_open=NULL)
static void ShowStyleEditor (KarmaGuiStyle *ref=NULL)
static bool ShowStyleSelector (const char *label)
static void ShowFontSelector (const char *label)
static void ShowUserGuide ()
static void StyleColorsDark (KarmaGuiStyle *dst=NULL)
static void StyleColorsLight (KarmaGuiStyle *dst=NULL)
static void StyleColorsClassic (KarmaGuiStyle *dst=NULL)
static void StyleColorsKarma (KarmaGuiStyle *dst=NULL)
static bool Begin (const char *name, bool *p_open=NULL, KarmaGuiWindowFlags flags=0)
static void End ()
static bool BeginChild (const char *str_id, const KGVec2 &size=KGVec2(0, 0), bool border=false, KarmaGuiWindowFlags flags=0)
static bool BeginChild (KGGuiID id, const KGVec2 &size=KGVec2(0, 0), bool border=false, KarmaGuiWindowFlags flags=0)
static void EndChild ()
static bool IsWindowAppearing ()
static bool IsWindowCollapsed ()
static bool IsWindowFocused (KarmaGuiFocusedFlags flags=0)
static bool IsWindowHovered (KarmaGuiHoveredFlags flags=0)
static KGDrawListGetWindowDrawList ()
static float GetWindowDpiScale ()
static KGVec2 GetWindowPos ()
static KGVec2 GetWindowSize ()
static float GetWindowWidth ()
static float GetWindowHeight ()
static KarmaGuiViewportGetWindowViewport ()
static void SetNextWindowPos (const KGVec2 &pos, KarmaGuiCond cond=0, const KGVec2 &pivot=KGVec2(0, 0))
static void SetNextWindowSize (const KGVec2 &size, KarmaGuiCond cond=0)
static void SetNextWindowSizeConstraints (const KGVec2 &size_min, const KGVec2 &size_max, KarmaGuiSizeCallback custom_callback=NULL, void *custom_callback_data=NULL)
static void SetNextWindowContentSize (const KGVec2 &size)
static void SetNextWindowCollapsed (bool collapsed, KarmaGuiCond cond=0)
static void SetNextWindowFocus ()
static void SetNextWindowScroll (const KGVec2 &scroll)
static void SetNextWindowBgAlpha (float alpha)
static void SetNextWindowViewport (KGGuiID viewport_id)
static void SetWindowPos (const KGVec2 &pos, KarmaGuiCond cond=0)
static void SetWindowSize (const KGVec2 &size, KarmaGuiCond cond=0)
static void SetWindowCollapsed (bool collapsed, KarmaGuiCond cond=0)
static void SetWindowFocus ()
static void SetWindowFontScale (float scale)
static void SetWindowPos (const char *name, const KGVec2 &pos, KarmaGuiCond cond=0)
static void SetWindowSize (const char *name, const KGVec2 &size, KarmaGuiCond cond=0)
static void SetWindowCollapsed (const char *name, bool collapsed, KarmaGuiCond cond=0)
static void SetWindowFocus (const char *name)
static KGVec2 GetContentRegionAvail ()
static KGVec2 GetContentRegionMax ()
static KGVec2 GetWindowContentRegionMin ()
static KGVec2 GetWindowContentRegionMax ()
static float GetScrollX ()
static float GetScrollY ()
static void SetScrollX (float scroll_x)
static void SetScrollY (float scroll_y)
static float GetScrollMaxX ()
static float GetScrollMaxY ()
static void SetScrollHereX (float center_x_ratio=0.5f)
static void SetScrollHereY (float center_y_ratio=0.5f)
static void SetScrollFromPosX (float local_x, float center_x_ratio=0.5f)
static void SetScrollFromPosY (float local_y, float center_y_ratio=0.5f)
static void PushFont (KGFont *font)
static void PopFont ()
static void PushStyleColor (KarmaGuiCol idx, KGU32 col)
static void PushStyleColor (KarmaGuiCol idx, const KGVec4 &col)
static void PopStyleColor (int count=1)
static void PushStyleVar (KarmaGuiStyleVar idx, float val)
static void PushStyleVar (KarmaGuiStyleVar idx, const KGVec2 &val)
static void PopStyleVar (int count=1)
static void PushAllowKeyboardFocus (bool allow_keyboard_focus)
static void PopAllowKeyboardFocus ()
static void PushButtonRepeat (bool repeat)
static void PopButtonRepeat ()
static void PushItemWidth (float item_width)
static void PopItemWidth ()
static void SetNextItemWidth (float item_width)
static float CalcItemWidth ()
static void PushTextWrapPos (float wrap_local_pos_x=0.0f)
static void PopTextWrapPos ()
static KGFontGetFont ()
static float GetFontSize ()
static KGVec2 GetFontTexUvWhitePixel ()
static KGU32 GetColorU32 (KarmaGuiCol idx, float alpha_mul=1.0f)
static KGU32 GetColorU32 (const KGVec4 &col)
static KGU32 GetColorU32 (KGU32 col)
static const KGVec4GetStyleColorVec4 (KarmaGuiCol idx)
static void Separator ()
static void SameLine (float offset_from_start_x=0.0f, float spacing=-1.0f)
static void NewLine ()
static void Spacing ()
static void Dummy (const KGVec2 &size)
static void Indent (float indent_w=0.0f)
static void Unindent (float indent_w=0.0f)
static void BeginGroup ()
static void EndGroup ()
static KGVec2 GetCursorPos ()
static float GetCursorPosX ()
static float GetCursorPosY ()
static void SetCursorPos (const KGVec2 &local_pos)
static void SetCursorPosX (float local_x)
static void SetCursorPosY (float local_y)
static KGVec2 GetCursorStartPos ()
static KGVec2 GetCursorScreenPos ()
static void SetCursorScreenPos (const KGVec2 &pos)
static void AlignTextToFramePadding ()
static float GetTextLineHeight ()
static float GetTextLineHeightWithSpacing ()
static float GetFrameHeight ()
static float GetFrameHeightWithSpacing ()
static void PushID (const char *str_id)
static void PushID (const char *str_id_begin, const char *str_id_end)
static void PushID (const void *ptr_id)
static void PushID (int int_id)
static void PopID ()
static KGGuiID GetID (const char *str_id)
static KGGuiID GetID (const char *str_id_begin, const char *str_id_end)
static KGGuiID GetID (const void *ptr_id)
static void TextUnformatted (const char *text, const char *text_end=NULL)
static void Text (const char *fmt,...) KG_FMTARGS(1)
static void TextV (const char *fmt, va_list args) KG_FMTLIST(1)
static void TextColored (const KGVec4 &col, const char *fmt,...) KG_FMTARGS(2)
static void AddTextVertical (KGDrawList *DrawList, const char *text, KGVec2 pos, KGU32 text_color)
static void TextColoredV (const KGVec4 &col, const char *fmt, va_list args) KG_FMTLIST(2)
static void TextDisabled (const char *fmt,...) KG_FMTARGS(1)
static void TextDisabledV (const char *fmt, va_list args) KG_FMTLIST(1)
static void TextWrapped (const char *fmt,...) KG_FMTARGS(1)
static void TextWrappedV (const char *fmt, va_list args) KG_FMTLIST(1)
static void LabelText (const char *label, const char *fmt,...) KG_FMTARGS(2)
static void LabelTextV (const char *label, const char *fmt, va_list args) KG_FMTLIST(2)
static void BulletText (const char *fmt,...) KG_FMTARGS(1)
static void BulletTextV (const char *fmt, va_list args) KG_FMTLIST(1)
static bool Button (const char *label, const KGVec2 &size=KGVec2(0, 0))
static bool SmallButton (const char *label)
static bool InvisibleButton (const char *str_id, const KGVec2 &size, KarmaGuiButtonFlags flags=0)
static bool ArrowButton (const char *str_id, KarmaGuiDir dir)
static bool Checkbox (const char *label, bool *v)
static bool CheckboxFlags (const char *label, int *flags, int flags_value)
static bool CheckboxFlags (const char *label, unsigned int *flags, unsigned int flags_value)
static bool RadioButton (const char *label, bool active)
static bool RadioButton (const char *label, int *v, int v_button)
static void ProgressBar (float fraction, const KGVec2 &size_arg=KGVec2(-FLT_MIN, 0), const char *overlay=NULL)
static void Bullet ()
static void Image (KGTextureID user_texture_id, const KGVec2 &size, const KGVec2 &uv0=KGVec2(0, 0), const KGVec2 &uv1=KGVec2(1, 1), const KGVec4 &tint_col=KGVec4(1, 1, 1, 1), const KGVec4 &border_col=KGVec4(0, 0, 0, 0))
static bool ImageButton (const char *str_id, KGTextureID user_texture_id, const KGVec2 &size, const KGVec2 &uv0=KGVec2(0, 0), const KGVec2 &uv1=KGVec2(1, 1), const KGVec4 &bg_col=KGVec4(0, 0, 0, 0), const KGVec4 &tint_col=KGVec4(1, 1, 1, 1))
static bool BeginCombo (const char *label, const char *preview_value, KarmaGuiComboFlags flags=0)
static void EndCombo ()
static bool Combo (const char *label, int *current_item, const char *const items[], int items_count, int popup_max_height_in_items=-1)
static bool Combo (const char *label, int *current_item, const char *items_separated_by_zeros, int popup_max_height_in_items=-1)
static bool Combo (const char *label, int *current_item, bool(*items_getter)(void *data, int idx, const char **out_text), void *data, int items_count, int popup_max_height_in_items=-1)
static bool DragFloat (const char *label, float *v, float v_speed=1.0f, float v_min=0.0f, float v_max=0.0f, const char *format="%.3f", KarmaGuiSliderFlags flags=0)
static bool DragFloat2 (const char *label, float v[2], float v_speed=1.0f, float v_min=0.0f, float v_max=0.0f, const char *format="%.3f", KarmaGuiSliderFlags flags=0)
static bool DragFloat3 (const char *label, float v[3], float v_speed=1.0f, float v_min=0.0f, float v_max=0.0f, const char *format="%.3f", KarmaGuiSliderFlags flags=0)
static bool DragFloat4 (const char *label, float v[4], float v_speed=1.0f, float v_min=0.0f, float v_max=0.0f, const char *format="%.3f", KarmaGuiSliderFlags flags=0)
static bool DragFloatRange2 (const char *label, float *v_current_min, float *v_current_max, float v_speed=1.0f, float v_min=0.0f, float v_max=0.0f, const char *format="%.3f", const char *format_max=NULL, KarmaGuiSliderFlags flags=0)
static bool DragInt (const char *label, int *v, float v_speed=1.0f, int v_min=0, int v_max=0, const char *format="%d", KarmaGuiSliderFlags flags=0)
static bool DragInt2 (const char *label, int v[2], float v_speed=1.0f, int v_min=0, int v_max=0, const char *format="%d", KarmaGuiSliderFlags flags=0)
static bool DragInt3 (const char *label, int v[3], float v_speed=1.0f, int v_min=0, int v_max=0, const char *format="%d", KarmaGuiSliderFlags flags=0)
static bool DragInt4 (const char *label, int v[4], float v_speed=1.0f, int v_min=0, int v_max=0, const char *format="%d", KarmaGuiSliderFlags flags=0)
static bool DragIntRange2 (const char *label, int *v_current_min, int *v_current_max, float v_speed=1.0f, int v_min=0, int v_max=0, const char *format="%d", const char *format_max=NULL, KarmaGuiSliderFlags flags=0)
static bool DragScalar (const char *label, KarmaGuiDataType data_type, void *p_data, float v_speed=1.0f, const void *p_min=NULL, const void *p_max=NULL, const char *format=NULL, KarmaGuiSliderFlags flags=0)
static bool DragScalarN (const char *label, KarmaGuiDataType data_type, void *p_data, int components, float v_speed=1.0f, const void *p_min=NULL, const void *p_max=NULL, const char *format=NULL, KarmaGuiSliderFlags flags=0)
static bool SliderFloat (const char *label, float *v, float v_min, float v_max, const char *format="%.3f", KarmaGuiSliderFlags flags=0)
static bool SliderFloat2 (const char *label, float v[2], float v_min, float v_max, const char *format="%.3f", KarmaGuiSliderFlags flags=0)
static bool SliderFloat3 (const char *label, float v[3], float v_min, float v_max, const char *format="%.3f", KarmaGuiSliderFlags flags=0)
static bool SliderFloat4 (const char *label, float v[4], float v_min, float v_max, const char *format="%.3f", KarmaGuiSliderFlags flags=0)
static bool SliderAngle (const char *label, float *v_rad, float v_degrees_min=-360.0f, float v_degrees_max=+360.0f, const char *format="%.0f deg", KarmaGuiSliderFlags flags=0)
static bool SliderInt (const char *label, int *v, int v_min, int v_max, const char *format="%d", KarmaGuiSliderFlags flags=0)
static bool SliderInt2 (const char *label, int v[2], int v_min, int v_max, const char *format="%d", KarmaGuiSliderFlags flags=0)
static bool SliderInt3 (const char *label, int v[3], int v_min, int v_max, const char *format="%d", KarmaGuiSliderFlags flags=0)
static bool SliderInt4 (const char *label, int v[4], int v_min, int v_max, const char *format="%d", KarmaGuiSliderFlags flags=0)
static bool SliderScalar (const char *label, KarmaGuiDataType data_type, void *p_data, const void *p_min, const void *p_max, const char *format=NULL, KarmaGuiSliderFlags flags=0)
static bool SliderScalarN (const char *label, KarmaGuiDataType data_type, void *p_data, int components, const void *p_min, const void *p_max, const char *format=NULL, KarmaGuiSliderFlags flags=0)
static bool VSliderFloat (const char *label, const KGVec2 &size, float *v, float v_min, float v_max, const char *format="%.3f", KarmaGuiSliderFlags flags=0)
static bool VSliderInt (const char *label, const KGVec2 &size, int *v, int v_min, int v_max, const char *format="%d", KarmaGuiSliderFlags flags=0)
static bool VSliderScalar (const char *label, const KGVec2 &size, KarmaGuiDataType data_type, void *p_data, const void *p_min, const void *p_max, const char *format=NULL, KarmaGuiSliderFlags flags=0)
static bool InputText (const char *label, char *buf, size_t buf_size, KarmaGuiInputTextFlags flags=0, KarmaGuiInputTextCallback callback=NULL, void *user_data=NULL)
static bool InputTextMultiline (const char *label, char *buf, size_t buf_size, const KGVec2 &size=KGVec2(0, 0), KarmaGuiInputTextFlags flags=0, KarmaGuiInputTextCallback callback=NULL, void *user_data=NULL)
static bool InputTextWithHint (const char *label, const char *hint, char *buf, size_t buf_size, KarmaGuiInputTextFlags flags=0, KarmaGuiInputTextCallback callback=NULL, void *user_data=NULL)
static bool InputFloat (const char *label, float *v, float step=0.0f, float step_fast=0.0f, const char *format="%.3f", KarmaGuiInputTextFlags flags=0)
static bool InputFloat2 (const char *label, float v[2], const char *format="%.3f", KarmaGuiInputTextFlags flags=0)
static bool InputFloat3 (const char *label, float v[3], const char *format="%.3f", KarmaGuiInputTextFlags flags=0)
static bool InputFloat4 (const char *label, float v[4], const char *format="%.3f", KarmaGuiInputTextFlags flags=0)
static bool InputInt (const char *label, int *v, int step=1, int step_fast=100, KarmaGuiInputTextFlags flags=0)
static bool InputInt2 (const char *label, int v[2], KarmaGuiInputTextFlags flags=0)
static bool InputInt3 (const char *label, int v[3], KarmaGuiInputTextFlags flags=0)
static bool InputInt4 (const char *label, int v[4], KarmaGuiInputTextFlags flags=0)
static bool InputDouble (const char *label, double *v, double step=0.0, double step_fast=0.0, const char *format="%.6f", KarmaGuiInputTextFlags flags=0)
static bool InputScalar (const char *label, KarmaGuiDataType data_type, void *p_data, const void *p_step=NULL, const void *p_step_fast=NULL, const char *format=NULL, KarmaGuiInputTextFlags flags=0)
static bool InputScalarN (const char *label, KarmaGuiDataType data_type, void *p_data, int components, const void *p_step=NULL, const void *p_step_fast=NULL, const char *format=NULL, KarmaGuiInputTextFlags flags=0)
static bool ColorEdit3 (const char *label, float col[3], KarmaGuiColorEditFlags flags=0)
static bool ColorEdit4 (const char *label, float col[4], KarmaGuiColorEditFlags flags=0)
static bool ColorPicker3 (const char *label, float col[3], KarmaGuiColorEditFlags flags=0)
static bool ColorPicker4 (const char *label, float col[4], KarmaGuiColorEditFlags flags=0, const float *ref_col=NULL)
static bool ColorButton (const char *desc_id, const KGVec4 &col, KarmaGuiColorEditFlags flags=0, const KGVec2 &size=KGVec2(0, 0))
static void SetColorEditOptions (KarmaGuiColorEditFlags flags)
static bool TreeNode (const char *label)
static bool TreeNode (const char *str_id, const char *fmt,...) KG_FMTARGS(2)
static bool TreeNode (const void *ptr_id, const char *fmt,...) KG_FMTARGS(2)
static bool TreeNodeV (const char *str_id, const char *fmt, va_list args) KG_FMTLIST(2)
static bool TreeNodeV (const void *ptr_id, const char *fmt, va_list args) KG_FMTLIST(2)
static bool TreeNodeEx (const char *label, KarmaGuiTreeNodeFlags flags=0)
static bool TreeNodeEx (const char *str_id, KarmaGuiTreeNodeFlags flags, const char *fmt,...) KG_FMTARGS(3)
static bool TreeNodeEx (const void *ptr_id, KarmaGuiTreeNodeFlags flags, const char *fmt,...) KG_FMTARGS(3)
static bool TreeNodeExV (const char *str_id, KarmaGuiTreeNodeFlags flags, const char *fmt, va_list args) KG_FMTLIST(3)
static bool TreeNodeExV (const void *ptr_id, KarmaGuiTreeNodeFlags flags, const char *fmt, va_list args) KG_FMTLIST(3)
static void TreePush (const char *str_id)
static void TreePush (const void *ptr_id)
static void TreePop ()
static float GetTreeNodeToLabelSpacing ()
static bool CollapsingHeader (const char *label, KarmaGuiTreeNodeFlags flags=0)
static bool CollapsingHeader (const char *label, bool *p_visible, KarmaGuiTreeNodeFlags flags=0)
static void SetNextItemOpen (bool is_open, KarmaGuiCond cond=0)
static bool Selectable (const char *label, bool selected=false, KarmaGuiSelectableFlags flags=0, const KGVec2 &size=KGVec2(0, 0))
static bool Selectable (const char *label, bool *p_selected, KarmaGuiSelectableFlags flags=0, const KGVec2 &size=KGVec2(0, 0))
static bool BeginListBox (const char *label, const KGVec2 &size=KGVec2(0, 0))
static void EndListBox ()
static bool ListBox (const char *label, int *current_item, const char *const items[], int items_count, int height_in_items=-1)
static bool ListBox (const char *label, int *current_item, bool(*items_getter)(void *data, int idx, const char **out_text), void *data, int items_count, int height_in_items=-1)
static void PlotLines (const char *label, const float *values, int values_count, int values_offset=0, const char *overlay_text=NULL, float scale_min=FLT_MAX, float scale_max=FLT_MAX, KGVec2 graph_size=KGVec2(0, 0), int stride=sizeof(float))
static void PlotLines (const char *label, float(*values_getter)(void *data, int idx), void *data, int values_count, int values_offset=0, const char *overlay_text=NULL, float scale_min=FLT_MAX, float scale_max=FLT_MAX, KGVec2 graph_size=KGVec2(0, 0))
static void PlotHistogram (const char *label, const float *values, int values_count, int values_offset=0, const char *overlay_text=NULL, float scale_min=FLT_MAX, float scale_max=FLT_MAX, KGVec2 graph_size=KGVec2(0, 0), int stride=sizeof(float))
static void PlotHistogram (const char *label, float(*values_getter)(void *data, int idx), void *data, int values_count, int values_offset=0, const char *overlay_text=NULL, float scale_min=FLT_MAX, float scale_max=FLT_MAX, KGVec2 graph_size=KGVec2(0, 0))
static void Value (const char *prefix, bool b)
static void Value (const char *prefix, int v)
static void Value (const char *prefix, unsigned int v)
static void Value (const char *prefix, float v, const char *float_format=NULL)
static bool BeginMenuBar ()
static void EndMenuBar ()
static bool BeginMainMenuBar ()
static void EndMainMenuBar ()
static bool BeginMenu (const char *label, bool enabled=true)
static void EndMenu ()
static bool MenuItem (const char *label, const char *shortcut=NULL, bool selected=false, bool enabled=true)
static bool MenuItem (const char *label, const char *shortcut, bool *p_selected, bool enabled=true)
static void BeginTooltip ()
static void EndTooltip ()
static void SetTooltip (const char *fmt,...) KG_FMTARGS(1)
static void SetTooltipV (const char *fmt, va_list args) KG_FMTLIST(1)
static bool BeginPopup (const char *str_id, KarmaGuiWindowFlags flags=0)
static bool BeginPopupModal (const char *name, bool *p_open=NULL, KarmaGuiWindowFlags flags=0)
static void EndPopup ()
static void OpenPopup (const char *str_id, KarmaGuiPopupFlags popup_flags=0)
static void OpenPopup (KGGuiID id, KarmaGuiPopupFlags popup_flags=0)
static void OpenPopupOnItemClick (const char *str_id=NULL, KarmaGuiPopupFlags popup_flags=1)
static void CloseCurrentPopup ()
static bool BeginPopupContextItem (const char *str_id=NULL, KarmaGuiPopupFlags popup_flags=1)
static bool BeginPopupContextWindow (const char *str_id=NULL, KarmaGuiPopupFlags popup_flags=1)
static bool BeginPopupContextVoid (const char *str_id=NULL, KarmaGuiPopupFlags popup_flags=1)
static bool IsPopupOpen (const char *str_id, KarmaGuiPopupFlags flags=0)
static bool BeginTable (const char *str_id, int column, KarmaGuiTableFlags flags=0, const KGVec2 &outer_size=KGVec2(0.0f, 0.0f), float inner_width=0.0f)
static void EndTable ()
static void TableNextRow (KarmaGuiTableRowFlags row_flags=0, float min_row_height=0.0f)
static bool TableNextColumn ()
static bool TableSetColumnIndex (int column_n)
static void TableSetupColumn (const char *label, KarmaGuiTableColumnFlags flags=0, float init_width_or_weight=0.0f, KGGuiID user_id=0)
static void TableSetupScrollFreeze (int cols, int rows)
static void TableHeadersRow ()
static void TableHeader (const char *label)
static KarmaGuiTableSortSpecsTableGetSortSpecs ()
static int TableGetColumnCount ()
static int TableGetColumnIndex ()
static int TableGetRowIndex ()
static const char * TableGetColumnName (int column_n=-1)
static KarmaGuiTableColumnFlags TableGetColumnFlags (int column_n=-1)
static void TableSetColumnEnabled (int column_n, bool v)
static void TableSetBgColor (KarmaGuiTableBgTarget target, KGU32 color, int column_n=-1)
static void Columns (int count=1, const char *id=NULL, bool border=true)
static void NextColumn ()
static int GetColumnIndex ()
static float GetColumnWidth (int column_index=-1)
static void SetColumnWidth (int column_index, float width)
static float GetColumnOffset (int column_index=-1)
static void SetColumnOffset (int column_index, float offset_x)
static int GetColumnsCount ()
static bool BeginTabBar (const char *str_id, KarmaGuiTabBarFlags flags=0)
static void EndTabBar ()
static bool BeginTabItem (const char *label, bool *p_open=NULL, KarmaGuiTabItemFlags flags=0)
static void EndTabItem ()
static bool TabItemButton (const char *label, KarmaGuiTabItemFlags flags=0)
static void SetTabItemClosed (const char *tab_or_docked_window_label)
static KGGuiID DockSpace (KGGuiID id, const KGVec2 &size=KGVec2(0, 0), KarmaGuiDockNodeFlags flags=0, const KarmaGuiWindowClass *window_class=NULL)
static KGGuiID DockSpaceOverViewport (const KarmaGuiViewport *viewport=NULL, KarmaGuiDockNodeFlags flags=0, const KarmaGuiWindowClass *window_class=NULL)
static void SetNextWindowDockID (KGGuiID dock_id, KarmaGuiCond cond=0)
static void SetNextWindowClass (const KarmaGuiWindowClass *window_class)
static KGGuiID GetWindowDockID ()
static bool IsWindowDocked ()
static void LogToTTY (int auto_open_depth=-1)
static void LogToFile (int auto_open_depth=-1, const char *filename=NULL)
static void LogToClipboard (int auto_open_depth=-1)
static void LogFinish ()
static void LogButtons ()
static void LogText (const char *fmt,...) KG_FMTARGS(1)
static void LogTextV (const char *fmt, va_list args) KG_FMTLIST(1)
static void LogTextV (KarmaGuiContext &g, const char *fmt, va_list args)
static bool BeginDragDropSource (KarmaGuiDragDropFlags flags=0)
static bool SetDragDropPayload (const char *type, const void *data, size_t sz, KarmaGuiCond cond=0)
static void EndDragDropSource ()
static bool BeginDragDropTarget ()
static const KarmaGuiPayloadAcceptDragDropPayload (const char *type, KarmaGuiDragDropFlags flags=0)
static void EndDragDropTarget ()
static const KarmaGuiPayloadGetDragDropPayload ()
static void BeginDisabled (bool disabled=true)
static void EndDisabled ()
static void PushClipRect (const KGVec2 &clip_rect_min, const KGVec2 &clip_rect_max, bool intersect_with_current_clip_rect)
static void PopClipRect ()
static void SetItemDefaultFocus ()
static void SetKeyboardFocusHere (int offset=0)
static bool IsItemHovered (KarmaGuiHoveredFlags flags=0)
static bool IsItemActive ()
static bool IsItemFocused ()
static bool IsItemClicked (KarmaGuiMouseButton mouse_button=0)
static bool IsItemVisible ()
static bool IsItemEdited ()
static bool IsItemActivated ()
static bool IsItemDeactivated ()
static bool IsItemDeactivatedAfterEdit ()
static bool IsItemToggledOpen ()
static bool IsAnyItemHovered ()
static bool IsAnyItemActive ()
static bool IsAnyItemFocused ()
static KGGuiID GetItemID ()
static KGVec2 GetItemRectMin ()
static KGVec2 GetItemRectMax ()
static KGVec2 GetItemRectSize ()
static void SetItemAllowOverlap ()
static KarmaGuiViewportGetMainViewport ()
static KGDrawListGetBackgroundDrawList ()
static KGDrawListGetForegroundDrawList ()
static KGDrawListGetBackgroundDrawList (KarmaGuiViewport *viewport)
static KGDrawListGetForegroundDrawList (KarmaGuiViewport *viewport)
static bool IsRectVisible (const KGVec2 &size)
static bool IsRectVisible (const KGVec2 &rect_min, const KGVec2 &rect_max)
static double GetTime ()
static int GetFrameCount ()
static KGDrawListSharedDataGetDrawListSharedData ()
static const char * GetStyleColorName (KarmaGuiCol idx)
static void SetStateStorage (KarmaGuiStorage *storage)
static KarmaGuiStorageGetStateStorage ()
static bool BeginChildFrame (KGGuiID id, const KGVec2 &size, KarmaGuiWindowFlags flags=0)
static void EndChildFrame ()
static KGVec2 CalcTextSize (const char *text, const char *text_end=NULL, bool hide_text_after_double_hash=false, float wrap_width=-1.0f)
static KGVec4 ColorConvertU32ToFloat4 (KGU32 in)
static KGU32 ColorConvertFloat4ToU32 (const KGVec4 &in)
static void ColorConvertRGBtoHSV (float r, float g, float b, float &out_h, float &out_s, float &out_v)
static void ColorConvertHSVtoRGB (float h, float s, float v, float &out_r, float &out_g, float &out_b)
static bool IsKeyDown (KarmaGuiKey key)
static bool IsKeyPressed (KarmaGuiKey key, bool repeat=true)
static bool IsKeyReleased (KarmaGuiKey key)
static int GetKeyPressedAmount (KarmaGuiKey key, float repeat_delay, float rate)
static const char * GetKeyName (KarmaGuiKey key)
static void SetNextFrameWantCaptureKeyboard (bool want_capture_keyboard)
static bool Shortcut (KarmaGuiKeyChord key_chord, KGGuiID owner_id=0, KarmaGuiInputFlags flags=0)
static bool IsMouseDown (KarmaGuiMouseButton button)
static bool IsMouseClicked (KarmaGuiMouseButton button, bool repeat=false)
static bool IsMouseReleased (KarmaGuiMouseButton button)
static bool IsMouseDoubleClicked (KarmaGuiMouseButton button)
static int GetMouseClickedCount (KarmaGuiMouseButton button)
static bool IsMouseHoveringRect (const KGVec2 &r_min, const KGVec2 &r_max, bool clip=true)
static bool IsMousePosValid (const KGVec2 *mouse_pos=NULL)
static bool IsAnyMouseDown ()
static KGVec2 GetMousePos ()
static KGVec2 GetMousePosOnOpeningCurrentPopup ()
static bool IsMouseDragging (KarmaGuiMouseButton button, float lock_threshold=-1.0f)
static KGVec2 GetMouseDragDelta (KarmaGuiMouseButton button=0, float lock_threshold=-1.0f)
static void ResetMouseDragDelta (KarmaGuiMouseButton button=0)
static KarmaGuiMouseCursor GetMouseCursor ()
static void SetMouseCursor (KarmaGuiMouseCursor cursor_type)
static void SetNextFrameWantCaptureMouse (bool want_capture_mouse)
static const char * GetClipboardText ()
static void SetClipboardText (const char *text)
static void LoadIniSettingsFromDisk (const char *ini_filename)
static void LoadIniSettingsFromMemory (const char *ini_data, size_t ini_size=0)
static void SaveIniSettingsToDisk (const char *ini_filename)
static const char * SaveIniSettingsToMemory (size_t *out_ini_size=NULL)
static void DebugTextEncoding (const char *text)
static bool DebugCheckVersionAndDataLayout (const char *version_str, size_t sz_io, size_t sz_style, size_t sz_vec2, size_t sz_vec4, size_t sz_drawvert, size_t sz_drawidx)
static void SetAllocatorFunctions (KarmaGuiMemAllocFunc alloc_func, KarmaGuiMemFreeFunc free_func, void *user_data=NULL)
static void GetAllocatorFunctions (KarmaGuiMemAllocFunc *p_alloc_func, KarmaGuiMemFreeFunc *p_free_func, void **p_user_data)
static void * MemAlloc (size_t size)
static void MemFree (void *ptr)
static KarmaGuiPlatformIOGetPlatformIO ()
static void UpdatePlatformWindows ()
static void RenderPlatformWindowsDefault (void *platform_render_arg=NULL, void *renderer_render_arg=NULL)
static void DestroyPlatformWindows ()
static KarmaGuiViewportFindViewportByID (KGGuiID id)
static KarmaGuiViewportFindViewportByPlatformHandle (void *platform_handle)
static KarmaGuiKey GetKeyIndex (KarmaGuiKey key)

Member Function Documentation

◆ AddTextVertical()

void Karma::KarmaGui::AddTextVertical ( KGDrawList * DrawList,
const char * text,
KGVec2 pos,
KGU32 text_color )

Draws vertical text. The position is the bottom left of the text rect. Courtsey: https://github.com/ocornut/imgui/issues/705 with my own modular scaling modification

The documentation for this class was generated from the following files: