KGGuiID | ID |
KarmaGuiTableFlags | Flags |
void * | RawData |
KGGuiTableTempData * | TempData |
KGSpan< KGGuiTableColumn > | Columns |
KGSpan< KGGuiTableColumnIdx > | DisplayOrderToIndex |
KGSpan< KGGuiTableCellData > | RowCellData |
KGU64 | EnabledMaskByDisplayOrder |
KGU64 | EnabledMaskByIndex |
KGU64 | VisibleMaskByIndex |
KGU64 | RequestOutputMaskByIndex |
KarmaGuiTableFlags | SettingsLoadedFlags |
int | SettingsOffset |
int | LastFrameActive |
int | ColumnsCount |
int | CurrentRow |
int | CurrentColumn |
KGS16 | InstanceCurrent |
KGS16 | InstanceInteracted |
float | RowPosY1 |
float | RowPosY2 |
float | RowMinHeight |
float | RowTextBaseline |
float | RowIndentOffsetX |
KarmaGuiTableRowFlags | RowFlags: 16 |
KarmaGuiTableRowFlags | LastRowFlags: 16 |
int | RowBgColorCounter |
KGU32 | RowBgColor [2] |
KGU32 | BorderColorStrong |
KGU32 | BorderColorLight |
float | BorderX1 |
float | BorderX2 |
float | HostIndentX |
float | MinColumnWidth |
float | OuterPaddingX |
float | CellPaddingX |
float | CellPaddingY |
float | CellSpacingX1 |
float | CellSpacingX2 |
float | InnerWidth |
float | ColumnsGivenWidth |
float | ColumnsAutoFitWidth |
float | ColumnsStretchSumWeights |
float | ResizedColumnNextWidth |
float | ResizeLockMinContentsX2 |
float | RefScale |
KGRect | OuterRect |
KGRect | InnerRect |
KGRect | WorkRect |
KGRect | InnerClipRect |
KGRect | BgClipRect |
KGRect | Bg0ClipRectForDrawCmd |
KGRect | Bg2ClipRectForDrawCmd |
KGRect | HostClipRect |
KGRect | HostBackupInnerClipRect |
KGGuiWindow * | OuterWindow |
KGGuiWindow * | InnerWindow |
KarmaGuiTextBuffer | ColumnsNames |
KGDrawListSplitter * | DrawSplitter |
KGGuiTableInstanceData | InstanceDataFirst |
KGVector< KGGuiTableInstanceData > | InstanceDataExtra |
KarmaGuiTableColumnSortSpecs | SortSpecsSingle |
KGVector< KarmaGuiTableColumnSortSpecs > | SortSpecsMulti |
KarmaGuiTableSortSpecs | SortSpecs |
KGGuiTableColumnIdx | SortSpecsCount |
KGGuiTableColumnIdx | ColumnsEnabledCount |
KGGuiTableColumnIdx | ColumnsEnabledFixedCount |
KGGuiTableColumnIdx | DeclColumnsCount |
KGGuiTableColumnIdx | HoveredColumnBody |
KGGuiTableColumnIdx | HoveredColumnBorder |
KGGuiTableColumnIdx | AutoFitSingleColumn |
KGGuiTableColumnIdx | ResizedColumn |
KGGuiTableColumnIdx | LastResizedColumn |
KGGuiTableColumnIdx | HeldHeaderColumn |
KGGuiTableColumnIdx | ReorderColumn |
KGGuiTableColumnIdx | ReorderColumnDir |
KGGuiTableColumnIdx | LeftMostEnabledColumn |
KGGuiTableColumnIdx | RightMostEnabledColumn |
KGGuiTableColumnIdx | LeftMostStretchedColumn |
KGGuiTableColumnIdx | RightMostStretchedColumn |
KGGuiTableColumnIdx | ContextPopupColumn |
KGGuiTableColumnIdx | FreezeRowsRequest |
KGGuiTableColumnIdx | FreezeRowsCount |
KGGuiTableColumnIdx | FreezeColumnsRequest |
KGGuiTableColumnIdx | FreezeColumnsCount |
KGGuiTableColumnIdx | RowCellDataCurrent |
KGGuiTableDrawChannelIdx | DummyDrawChannel |
KGGuiTableDrawChannelIdx | Bg2DrawChannelCurrent |
KGGuiTableDrawChannelIdx | Bg2DrawChannelUnfrozen |
bool | IsLayoutLocked |
bool | IsInsideRow |
bool | IsInitializing |
bool | IsSortSpecsDirty |
bool | IsUsingHeaders |
bool | IsContextPopupOpen |
bool | IsSettingsRequestLoad |
bool | IsSettingsDirty |
bool | IsDefaultDisplayOrder |
bool | IsResetAllRequest |
bool | IsResetDisplayOrderRequest |
bool | IsUnfrozenRows |
bool | IsDefaultSizingPolicy |
bool | HasScrollbarYCurr |
bool | HasScrollbarYPrev |
bool | MemoryCompacted |
bool | HostSkipItems |
The documentation for this struct was generated from the following file: