Karma Engine
No Matches
KGFont Member List

This is the complete list of members for KGFont, including all inherited members.

AddGlyph(const KGFontConfig *src_cfg, KGWchar c, float x0, float y0, float x1, float y1, float u0, float v0, float u1, float v1, float advance_x) (defined in KGFont)KGFont
AddRemapChar(KGWchar dst, KGWchar src, bool overwrite_dst=true) (defined in KGFont)KGFont
Ascent (defined in KGFont)KGFont
BuildLookupTable() (defined in KGFont)KGFont
CalcTextSizeA(float size, float max_width, float wrap_width, const char *text_begin, const char *text_end=NULL, const char **remaining=NULL) const (defined in KGFont)KGFont
CalcWordWrapPositionA(float scale, const char *text, const char *text_end, float wrap_width) const (defined in KGFont)KGFont
ClearOutputData() (defined in KGFont)KGFont
ConfigData (defined in KGFont)KGFont
ConfigDataCount (defined in KGFont)KGFont
ContainerAtlas (defined in KGFont)KGFont
Descent (defined in KGFont)KGFont
DirtyLookupTables (defined in KGFont)KGFont
DotChar (defined in KGFont)KGFont
EllipsisChar (defined in KGFont)KGFont
FallbackAdvanceX (defined in KGFont)KGFont
FallbackChar (defined in KGFont)KGFont
FallbackGlyph (defined in KGFont)KGFont
FindGlyph(KGWchar c) const (defined in KGFont)KGFont
FindGlyphNoFallback(KGWchar c) const (defined in KGFont)KGFont
FontSize (defined in KGFont)KGFont
GetCharAdvance(KGWchar c) const (defined in KGFont)KGFontinline
GetDebugName() const (defined in KGFont)KGFontinline
Glyphs (defined in KGFont)KGFont
GrowIndex(int new_size) (defined in KGFont)KGFont
IndexAdvanceX (defined in KGFont)KGFont
IndexLookup (defined in KGFont)KGFont
IsGlyphRangeUnused(unsigned int c_begin, unsigned int c_last) (defined in KGFont)KGFont
IsLoaded() const (defined in KGFont)KGFontinline
KGFont() (defined in KGFont)KGFont
MetricsTotalSurface (defined in KGFont)KGFont
RenderChar(KGDrawList *draw_list, float size, const KGVec2 &pos, KGU32 col, KGWchar c) const (defined in KGFont)KGFont
RenderText(KGDrawList *draw_list, float size, const KGVec2 &pos, KGU32 col, const KGVec4 &clip_rect, const char *text_begin, const char *text_end, float wrap_width=0.0f, bool cpu_fine_clip=false) const (defined in KGFont)KGFont
Scale (defined in KGFont)KGFont
SetGlyphVisible(KGWchar c, bool visible) (defined in KGFont)KGFont
Used4kPagesMap (defined in KGFont)KGFont
~KGFont() (defined in KGFont)KGFont